अभिनीत:Robert Fontaine,Michel Remaudeau,Pierre Blanchard
नवीनतम रेटिंग :9.7
सबसे ज्यादा संख्या में लाइक :249373
क्षेत्र :塞内加尔
भाषा :沃洛夫语,法语
वर्ग :
साल :1972
निदेशक :乌斯曼·塞姆班
उपशीर्षक :
परिचय :As World War II is going on in Europe, a conflict arises between the French and the Diola-speaking t
विवरण :
As World War II is going on in Europe, a conflict arises between the French and the Diola-speaking tribe of Africa, prompting the village women to organize their men to sit beneath a tree to pray.
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समय सुधारें 2024-09-03 03:41:38